Tuesday, 1 June 2010

Social Commerce - The new way to shop

What makes online shopping so dangerous and sometimes unattractive for customers?
Well, if you don't have someone to talk to you personally, give you advice and makes sure that you get what you want for the price that you want to pay, online shopping can be a risk. Today, problems like these are overcome by reviews, ratings and specialized online presentation. Without these extras consumers tend to not trust a website and probably search for one that gives them the security they need. As Shopper Approved summed it up in February this year Social Commerce is an advantage as well as necessity for websites that sell online.

Consumer Ratings help to sell, increase the conversion rate, improve the organic ranking through unique content and give the consumers the security they need. Social Commerce is definitely here to stay and will become a fundamental tool to increase sales.

Twitter as Knowledge Tool...

Over the past couple of months I have been using Twitter a lot. I did send the occasional Tweet but used the platform more as a tool to up-date as well as intensify knowledge on marketing,online trends and tourism. Further, Twitter represents a great tool for job-searching. Through keyword search I found relevant members or organisations worth following. Through that I found job advertising Twitter sites for almost every sector. 

Due to the real-time web up-dates knowledge can be refreshed and gained throughout the day. For me, better than reading a book or searching for information through Search Engines. So go on and try it...